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Supporting those who are ready to resist the status quo

Whether it's your personal status quo, or the status quo at work, you have found the place for support!

About Drömgård

Many people live lives that are unfulfilled, are not representative of their true selves, are based on false narratives.


These false narratives, which are stories we tell ourselves that are not true, get in the way of us courageously expressing our goals and taking action to reach them.


I want to help you navigate the false narratives, clarify what you want, and start taking action.


About John

John Iverson has over 25 years of experience in education as an Innovation Specialist, Storyteller, Principal, Assistant Principal, Technology Specialist, and Teacher. He is a certified Design Sprint Facilitator, certified Scrummaster, and certified Executive and Resilience Coach.


John is an advocate of Design Thinking and has facilitated Design Thinking teams in the development of new and evolving programs. He is the founder of the Resilient Principal Facebook group and coaches leaders who are ready to transform from an old story of overwhelm and stress to a new story of, well, whatever they want it to be.


Become a Status Quo Rebel!

Say What? A Status Quo Rebel? Yes!


A Status Quo Rebel is a person who wants to get better at living a life from the inside out. That is, better at being themselves, and better at not doing the things that everyone else does..or says they do…or says you should do.


A Status Quo Rebel sees the absurdity of the path they are currently on. The absurdity of working long hours to impress others. The absurdity of saying “yes” when you want to say “no.” The absurdity of not innovating when systems are antiquated and ineffective. The absurdity of choosing work over family. A Status Quo Rebel recognizes they have the agency to choose an area for improvement and alter their default path. 


A Status Quo Rebel also recognizes that changes don’t need to be big to have a big impact. They know that resisting the status quo can easily take place one small step at a time. Ready to take that first, small step?

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© 2021 by Communication Engineer & Steve Cabe

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