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3 Stage Status Quo Rebel Process

Image by Heidi Fin



  • Dream of and design a better future.

  • Identify the values we hold dear that provide energy and drive our decision making.

  • Identify our Character Strengths​ and leverage them in achieving our goal.

  • Identify the areas of life in which we want to improve.

  • Clearly articulate our why.


  • Get curious about our thoughts, not taking them at face value, but examining whether or not they are true. By the way...they’re not all true!

  • Learn new strategies to help us prioritize our time.

  • Identify strategies that help us push through the fear of pushing against the status quo.

  • Share and encourage others in the community.

Image by Holly Mandarich


Image by Alex Azabache



  • ​Increase our confidence as we take bold action to live our well-designed lives

  • Make weekly commitments of small actions designed to improve our well-being.

  • Gain accountability from a group of peers who can relate and give you high-level feedback.

  • Make progress!

Want to feel better now?

Become a Status Quo Rebel! Say what? A Status Quo Rebel? Yes!


A Status Quo Rebel is a person who wants to get better at living a life from the inside out. That is, better at being themselves, and better at not doing the things that everyone else does..or says they do…or says you should do.


A Status Quo Rebel sees the absurdity of the path they are currently on. The absurdity of letting life happen to them. The absurdity of working long hours to impress others. The absurdity of saying “yes” when you want to say “no.” The absurdity of not innovating when systems are antiquated and ineffective. The absurdity of choosing work over family.


A Status Quo Rebel recognizes they have the agency to choose an area for improvement and alter their default path


A Status Quo Rebel recognizes that changes don’t need to be big to have a big impact. They know that resisting the status quo can easily take place one small step at a time. Ready to take that first, small step?


Status Quo Rebel Specifics


  • We keep it simple! Each participant identifies just ONE area for change.


  • We meet in a small community of 5-10 like-minded rebels!.


  • We meet weekly as a group (approximately 60 minutes per meeting). In the group we share and support each other.

  • Each participant receives 1:1 coaching once per month (45-minutes per session). 

  • New groups start quarterly. (Next Group Starts Early July 2024)


  • The Status Quo Rebels group is unique in that we take actionable steps towards significant change every week. What this means is that each session starts with an overview of your most recent action steps and ends with the strategic planning of your next action steps.

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$3000.00 for the twelve week program

  • Starts early July 2024

  • An online community of support and sharing

  • A weekly community zoom meeting

  • Ala carte "on-demand" online lessons

  • Monthly individual coaching conversations

 Claim Your Spot 

Status Quo Rebel

  • 12 Weeks of Intentional Goals, Accountability, Encouragement and more

  • Like-Minded Community

  • Access to the Private Status Quo Rebel Community

  • Weekly Group Coaching, Q&A and sharing of strategies

  • Monthly 1:1 Coaching

  • Guided Training on the 3 Stage Transformation process

Enjoy 12 weeks in a community of like minded rebels, each committed to resisting the status quo of "settling," overwork, poor health habits and a lack of innovation!

Do any of the situations below represent your status quo?

You're tired, isolated overwhelmed?
You find yourself wishing you could find more time the people who matter most?
You wish you could find more time for the activities you enjoy?

You lie in bed at night, worrying, not getting enough sleep?

Working at a job you Don't like?

You're in a hurry, grabbing quick meals, gaining weight?

You're feeling stuck, and wondering if there is a better path for you?
You find yourself responding to texts and e-mails in the evening and on the weekend?

Status Quo Rebels engage in three ways!

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Access short and succinct ala carte lessons, easily accessed and completed online


Expand your thinking about what is possible


Explore what is "getting in the way" of making progress toward the life you want to be living


Identify and leverage your core values and character strengths

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A small community of like-minded rebels


Support in your goals, growth and struggles


Collective wisdom of the group benefitting all




Readily accessible


Ongoing encouragement from your peers



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Ongoing encouragement from a coach who knows the struggle, who believes in you


Accountability to make progress and stay on track


Weekly group coaching


Monthly individual coaching


Facilitated conversations to obtain clarity and navigate barriers



Resisting the status quo is all about priorities, agency and taking action.


What are the benefits of taking action?

  • Improved physical health

  • More time with family

  • More time for activities you value

  • Improved mental health

  • Improved relationships

  • More fun and recreation

  • Improved connection to community

  • Time for growth and learning

We've bought into a system that is unhealthy and unsustainable.

It's time for a change! It's time for a healthy rebellion!

Have questions? If you would like to connect for a quick Zoom call to get your questions answered, just click the button below!

  • Where does the Status Quo Rebel group take place?
    It all takes place online, and I strive to make it as simple and accessible as possible.
  • Who should join the Status Quo Rebel 12 week program?
    The Status Quo Rebel 12 week program is for you if ... Want help solving problems You desire a change You are willing to invest in yourself You want to set new goals for your life You're motivated to achieve your goals You want to feel more satisfied and content with your professional and personal life You're not sure how to help yourself You want someone to guide you and help you set goals You are committed to follow the program set for you You want to succeed You are happy to face challenging situations and do the work
  • What is the time commitment?
    Each week there is a 60 minute community coaching call where we help each other and learn from each other There are short, concise, optional, ala carte lessons available online. You can choose to participate in the online lessons at the level you choose. There are three 45 minute individual coaching conversations during the 12 weeks. You can share in the online community at the level that is best for you.
  • Who should NOT participate in the Status Quo Rebel group?
    You should NOT jarticipate in the Status Quo Rebel group if you... Are not receptive to feedback and encouragement from others Are not willing to do the work Are not willing to take action Do not desire change Embrace the status quo
  • When can I join the Status Quo Rebel group?
    New groups start every 3 months. However, if you need support now, please don't wait. Reach out and I will help you!
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